Holiday Decor Event 2017

Posted by The Painter's Place on

It was an amazing time and great turn out for our Annual Holiday Event. It is out pleasure every year and we are looking forward to the new year to come, full of colourful and beautiful design. [gallery ids="|" type="rectangular"] With much creativity and multiple tree concepts, we shared decor and design ideas to get your home ready for the Holiday Season. Our vendor market was fantastic too. 23561545_10214758591658990_6592145164217361040_n23659443_10214758591218979_9061818109396620254_n23621463_10214758591458985_6291337624822691995_n23559676_10214758591058975_5765465265373446336_n We received this letter and it warmed our hearts, this is why we do what we do each and every year! letter for pp